

How to Research

Where to Research

Coastline Library Catalog


Library hours are Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm (Closed on Fridays during summer)
Office: Tioga, 2nd Floor
Phone: 541-888-7270


 The Southwestern Oregon Community College (SWOCC) Library provides resources to students, faculty, staff, and community members. We belong to the Coastline library system to access books, movies, periodicals, and databases from across Coos and Curry Counties.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is the library open to the public?

The library is open to all SWOCC students, staff, and community members.

Are food and drinks allowed?

Yes, food and drinks are welcome.


Library hours are Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm (Closed on Fridays during summer)
Office: Tioga, 2nd Floor
Phone: 541-888-7270

Can I print?

Printing is available in our lab.  Black and white: 5 cents a side.  Color: 10 cents a side.  Students can print small quantities for free.

How do I check out books and movies?

Place orders online with your Coastline account or by contacting us. You need a Coastline Library card to check out materials, and you can fill out an application here. We receive Coastline deliveries each business day.

Can I get research help online?

These instructional videos will help you get started using our online resources. Send an email to noelle.ebert@socc.edu with questions or to schedule a Zoom appointment.

Are library databases available off-campus?

Yes, enter your 7-digit SWOCC ID number for access. Does your ID have 6 or fewer digits? Add zeros to the front until it is 7-digits (123456 becomes 0123456).

Library Guidelines and Services

SWOCC Library is here to help you access your information needs.  The following guidelines and services tell you a little more about how we operate.  SWOCC Library also abides by SWOCC, Coastline Library System, Oregon Community College Library Association, state, and federal policies and laws.  Do you have questions or comments not covered here?  Please contact us at library@socc.edu or 541-888-7270.

Children On College Property: BP 7085

Southwestern strives to maintain a comfortable learning environment for adults pursuing higher and/or continuing education. Therefore, it is typically not appropriate for children to be allowed in the classroom, laboratory facilities, or office buildings and other non-public areas of Southwestern Oregon Community College. READ MORE…

Circulation, Renewals, And Returns

Typically, books circulate for three weeks and films circulate for one week. Materials are automatically renewed twice unless another user has placed a hold. Most Coastline items may be returned at any Coastline library. SWOCC interlibrary loans and course reserve materials are exceptions and must be returned at SWOCC library.

Computers, Printing and Technology Checkout

SWOCC Library’s computer lab is open to students, employees, and the public. Printing is also available. Black and white: 5 cents a side. Color: 10 cents a side. Students can print small quantities for free.

SWOCC Library offers laptop checkout for currently enrolled students with Coastline library cards in good standing. Students can use computers for the entire term.  Interested students can contact us in-person at Tioga 2, by phone at 541-888-7270, or by email at library@socc.edu. Please see the SWOCC Library Laptop Loan Agreement form for more details. 

SWOCC Library also offers VR headset checkout to students enrolled in preapproved VR courses. Students must also have a Coastline library card in good standing, and the headsets can be used the entire term. Interested students can contact us in-person at Tioga 2, by phone at 541-888-7270, or by email at library@socc.edu. Please see the SWOCC Library VR Loan Agreement form for more details.

Copyright Guide

This guide is intended to provide information and guidance to help you determine if the uses you would like to make of copyrighted materials are allowed by law and to direct you to support at the college. READ MORE…

Confidentiality Of Library Patron Records

SWOCC Library protects the rights of its borrowers and will not release any information regarding “the records of a library, including circulation records, showing use of specific library material by a named person or consisting of the name of a library patron together with the address or telephone number, or both, of the patron.” (Oregon State Law, ORS 192.502.23).

These records include, but are not limited to: circulation records, borrower registration records, and records created to facilitate access to and/or use of library information, materials, and services.

Patron record information may be revealed only in the following instances: when patron gives written permission, when compelled by a court of law, and when necessary for the reasonable operations of the library such as borrowing materials from another library at patron’s request.

Course Reserves

SWOCC Library houses a collection of teacher-supplied textbooks and supplemental resources. Library items may also be pulled at teacher request. These materials can circulate for shorter periods of time than other library materials due to high demand. Those periods include: 2-hour, 1-day, 3-day, 1-week, 2-week, or all term. A Coastline library card is required for check-out. Please return items promptly to support your classmates.

Interested faculty may come to the library to fill out a Course Reserve Request form and to deliver materials. All items must be compliant with copyright law. Please allow one-day processing time.

Distance Students And Curry Campus

SWOCC Library is here to support you everywhere, on or off the main campus. Our physical library materials can be sent to any Coastline library by placing a hold. The closest Coastline library to the Curry Campus is the Chetco Community Public Library at 405 Alder St, Brookings, OR 97415. Our academic databases can be accessed remotely by entering your 7-digit SWOCC ID number. If your ID number doesn’t have seven digits, add zeroes to the beginning until it does. Example: 123456 becomes 0123456. We can also coordinate laptop and VR headset delivery to the Curry Campus First Stop by request.


Thank you for considering SWOCC Library as a potential home for your materials.  Please provide an inventory list of all items including identifying information such as author, title, and publication year.  This document can be emailed to library@socc.edu for librarian review.  We will contact you if we determine the items will be a good fit for our collections.

Equity, Diversity And Inclusion

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion are fundamental values of the American Library Association and its members, and diversity is listed as one of ALA’s Key Action Areas. The Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services uses a social justice framework to ensure the inclusion of diverse perspectives within our profession and association to best position ALA as a trusted, leading advocate for equitable access to library services for all.

Fines And Charges

The Coastline library system does not charge late fines; however, users cannot check out library materials until overdue items are returned. If the materials are not returned or renewed, a bill will be issued for the replacement cost of the items and processing charges.

Freedom To Read Statement

The freedom to read is essential to our democracy. It is continuously under attack. Private groups and public authorities in various parts of the country are working to remove or limit access to reading materials, to censor content in schools, to label “controversial” views, to distribute lists of “objectionable” books or authors, and to purge libraries. READ MORE…

Hold Requests

SWOCC Library is a member of the Coastline Library System in Coos and Curry Counties. You can place a hold on most Coastline materials, and they will be delivered to any Coastline library within a few days if available. You can place holds at any Coastline Library or on your online account. You will be notified by email once your items are ready for pick up. Holds may not be placed on SWOCC course reserve or reference items.

Interlibrary Loan

Can’t find your item in the Coastline library catalog?  SWOCC Library may be able to borrow it from another library via Interlibrary Loan (ILL).  ILLs are free for our students and employees.   All you need is a Coastline library card (in good standing) and a Southwestern ID number.  Loans take around 7 to 12 days to arrive if available.  Article requests tend to arrive more quickly and are sent to you via email.  Please pick up ILLs at Southwestern Library only.

To complete your request, please send an email with the information below to library@socc.edu.

  • Today’s Date
  • Coastline Library Card Number (14 digits)
  • SWOCC ID Number
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Item Type (book, journal article, film, etc.)
  • Title of Book or Article
  • Author
  • Publisher
  • Date Published
  • Journal Title/Citation Source
  • Volume and Issue Numbers
  • This edition only?
  • Cancel If Not Filled by This Date
  • Are you willing to pay for this item if it is not available for free?
  • Amount willing to pay if not available for free

Library Bill Of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services. READ MORE…

Library Cards

SWOCC Library is a member of the Coastline Library System, and all students and staff are eligible for a Coastline library card. Community members who reside within Coos and Curry Counties are also eligible for a Coastline library card. Residents in Douglas County who reside within the SWOCC taxing district are eligible for a SWOCC-only library card to access our physical resources. You can apply online for a library card, or you can print the physical form and deliver it to any Coastline library along with two forms of picture ID.

Please report lost library cards immediately. The card holder is responsible for all materials checked out on their patron library card up to the time it is reported lost or stolen. A $1 fee is charged for a replacement card.

Library Collection: APP 8017

It is the Administrative policy of the Southwestern Oregon Community College District that the Library’s collection must be so constituted as to give effective strength and support to the educational programs of Southwestern Oregon Community College. READ MORE…

Mission Statement

The purpose of Southwestern Library is to assist in fulfilling the college’s mission of providing quality education that helps students achieve their goals. It primarily exists to aid students in their educational goals, faculty in their instructional and professional development goals, and community members in their life enrichment pursuits. To accomplish this, the library will do the following:

  • Maintain a balanced and organized collection of high-quality materials and professional assistance to all its users.
  • Provide access to information located elsewhere.
  • Deliver education and training in developing information-gathering skills including accessing, evaluating and using various information sources.
  • Promote technological competence by providing access to information available in electronic formats, including online resources via the Internet.
  • Cooperate with other organizations for the advancement of scholarship and college goals.
  • Support the cultural awareness of students and the community at large.

Textbook Affordability Plan

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, textbook prices have increased over 1000% since 1977. That increase has outpaced the rise in interest rates and the price of cars, homes, and medical care. The national average cost of textbooks is $80-$100 per course. SWOCC cares about the high cost of learning materials and the barriers they impose to students. Low cost and no cost textbooks promote student success and equity by making higher education more accessible to everyone. READ MORE…


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