If you are a credit-seeking student with a balance on your student account, you can now enroll in a payment plan with Auto Pay through the new Transact system to make tuition more manageable. Payment plans are now self-serving–this includes enrolling in a plan, setting up Auto Pay or even just making a payment. Bonus? You can now invite a parent, relative or other family member to contribute to the plan!
Pay your tuition in automatic monthly installments
To help remove the financial burden so you can focus on your schoolwork, we offer convenient tuition payment plans with an Auto Pay option. Using your payment of choice, you can automatically pay your tuition and fees over time and avoid the high-interest rates that come with a traditional loan!
- Set up a payment plan to cover any amount: your entire bill, or just the balance left after financial aid
- Optionally invite a parent or relative to contribute to the plan
- Simple enrollment process
- One low fee at enrollment*
- Set up Auto Pay – Electronic payments made automatically – just set it and forget it
- 24/7 online account access
To get started:
- Log into MyLakerLink
- Click on Finances to view My Account
- Click Make a Payment
- Select “Payment Plans”
- Select “Set Up Auto Pay”
- Follow the on screen prompts to select your payment method and complete enrollment
To learn more about the benefits of using an auto-pay payment plan click here or watch this short video from Transact below. If you need assistance of have questions, Transact Customer Care is available Monday – Friday, 5am – 5pm Pacific time at 877-821-0625.
*All available plans and applicable payment options, fees and disclosures will be presented to you during the enrollment process. Enrollment in and availability of plans may be subject to applicable state law limitations. An enrollment fee will apply and other fees may apply to the extent permitted by law. The Full Service Payment Plan is administered by Transact Campus Payments, Inc., a Transact Holdings Inc. company.
The enrollment fee is considered a finance charge which is defined by federal regulations as “the cost of consumer credit as a dollar amount.” To make it easy for consumers to compare this cost to other forms of credit, Transact Campus Payments, Inc. provides the equivalent annual percentage rate (APR), which takes into account a number of variables, including the number of payments, the term, and the amount financed. Maximum APR limits may be subject to applicable state usury laws.