Coos Bay, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College announces the names of students who excelled fall term for the 2022-2023 academic school year. These students are being recognized with placement on the college’s Dean’s List (DL), Honor Roll (HR) and Academic Excellence (AE) list.
• Academic Excellence – students must receive a GPA of 4.0 in at least 12 credits
• Honor Roll – students must receive a GPA between 3.5 and 3.99 in at least 12 credits
• Dean’s List – students must receive a GPA between 3.0 and 3.49 in at least 12 credits
First Name | Last Name | City | State | Academic Honors |
Candra | Adolphson | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Michael | Ager | Puyallup | WA | Honor Roll |
Cecelia | Aguilera | La Grande | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hailey | Ahsmuhs | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jennifer | Aker | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Yazan | Al Jaouni | Jeddah | Saudi Arabia | Academic Excellence |
Paula | Albala | Gijón | Spain | Dean’s List |
Katherine | Alcober | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Mercedes | Allen | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Regina | Alvarez | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
AnnElise | Andersen | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Stephen | Anderson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Leslie | Anderson | Port Orford | OR | Dean’s List |
Tristen | Anderson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Carissa | Andrews | Sparks | NV | Academic Excellence |
Jason | Andruczyk | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Shyler | Antis | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Joane | Arzalluz Garzon | Lasarte-Oria | Spain | Academic Excellence |
Sasha | Arzner | Grants Pass | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hailey | Atkinson | Springfield | OR | Academic Excellence |
Derek | Atkinson | West Jordan | UT | Dean’s List |
Derell | Augustine | La Brea | Trinidad & Tobago | Academic Excellence |
Brody | Ault | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Noah | Balaam | Kamuela | HI | Academic Excellence |
Toby | Balaam | Kamuela | HI | Honor Roll |
Bryce | Bales | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Rockiey | Banks | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Noelani | Barawis | Riverton | UT | Dean’s List |
Oliver | Barnes | Burns | OR | Honor Roll |
Vanessa | Barragan | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Alexis | Bates | Salt Lake City | UT | Academic Excellence |
Mateo | Batol | Kamuela | HI | Academic Excellence |
Amber | Bayati | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Christon | Beaird | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Heather | Beaird | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Hallie | Beauchamp | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Joseph | Benavidez | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kathryn | Berger | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Hayden | Betzinger | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Ryleigh | Blaire | Gardnerville | NV | Honor Roll |
Taylor | Bloomdahl | The Dalles | OR | Dean’s List |
Kalista | Bochart | Sutherlin | OR | Academic Excellence |
Dylan | Boice | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jeremiah | Borce | Kamuela | HI | Honor Roll |
Ariel | Bosquez | Portland | OR | Academic Excellence |
Taylor | Bough | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Kalieyah | Boyd | Kirtland | NM | Dean’s List |
Adrian | Boysha | La Pine | OR | Dean’s List |
Taylor | Brewer | Nampa | ID | Dean’s List |
Alana | Bridges | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Ashlyn | Briggs | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jake | Bullard | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Garrett | Burns | La Grande | OR | Dean’s List |
Griffen | Bushnell | Eugene | OR | Dean’s List |
Jackson | Butterfield | Vancouver | WA | Dean’s List |
Zach | Cabrera | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Cadie | Callaway | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Natasha | Campbell | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Elizabeth | Cantrill | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Lexis | Canyete-Asato | Aiea | HI | Dean’s List |
John | Capps | Anderson | CA | Dean’s List |
Vanessa | Cardoso | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jordan-Louis | Cezar | AIEA | HI | Dean’s List |
Kaley | Chapanar | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Simeon | Charles | Port of Spain | Trinidad & Tobago | Dean’s List |
Serenia | Church | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hunter | Ciarabellini | Fortuna | CA | Honor Roll |
Richard | Cicci | Buckeye | AZ | Dean’s List |
Taylor | Claflin | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jennifer | Clark | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Michael | Clark | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Trenton | Clark | Fairfax | VA | Dean’s List |
Boe | Clayson | Burns | WY | Academic Excellence |
Kamber | Clayson | Burns | WY | Honor Roll |
Austin | Clewell | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Catherine | Clifton | Flagstaff | AZ | Academic Excellence |
Faith | Cline | Bandon | OR | Honor Roll |
Levi | Clow | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Gideon-Abel | Cole | St Paul | MN | Dean’s List |
Ryan | Coleman | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Wendell | Cone | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Julia | Conolley | Rathdrum | ID | Honor Roll |
Czerina | Cooper | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Jonah | Cousins | Moscow | ID | Dean’s List |
Samuel | Cox | Ferndale | WA | Academic Excellence |
Reuben | Craig | Fruitland | ID | Honor Roll |
Jaycen Kainoa | Crisostomo | Honolulu | HI | Honor Roll |
Jakob | Crowder | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Asa | Crusoe | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Manon | Cuisinier | Saint Selve | France | Academic Excellence |
Jason | Culver | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Brooklyn | Culver | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Brandon | Cunningham | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lauren | Dears | Gardiner | MT | Honor Roll |
Camila | Devaux | Bahia Blanca | Argentina | Academic Excellence |
Archal | Devi | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Randi | Dexter | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kassidy | Dial | Anchorage | AK | Academic Excellence |
Rachel | Dick | Wedderburn | OR | Dean’s List |
Marshall | Dickson | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Robert | Doane | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Jacob | Dukovich | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Cameron | Dumas | Mililani | HI | Academic Excellence |
Molly | Dunlop | Palmer | AK | Academic Excellence |
Kayla | Ebenal | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Ashley | Edgar | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Tatiana | Edmonds | Redondo Beach | CA | Academic Excellence |
Brayden | Edwards | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Claire | Eilers | Burlington | WA | Academic Excellence |
Daniel | Ensley | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Amanda | Erskine | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Katelynn | Evans | Newberg | OR | Honor Roll |
Erica | Evers | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Antoine | Famechon | Coudoux | France | Honor Roll |
Dillon | Farkas | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jayden | Felton | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Mallory | Fetter | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
KylieMonet | Fletcher-Gilbert | Valdez | AK | Academic Excellence |
Bailey | Flood | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Hannah | Folau | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Gabriel | Foltz | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Matthew | Forgey | BANDON | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mason | Franco | Vancouver | WA | Academic Excellence |
Adrianna | Frank | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jaime | Freed | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Megan | Fritz | Conifer | CO | Dean’s List |
Ashley | Fritz | Conifer | CO | Honor Roll |
Christopher | Frost | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Catie | Fry | Gervais | OR | Academic Excellence |
Edna | Fuentes | Richland | WA | Dean’s List |
Cassandra | Galan | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Alexa | Garcia | Manteca | CA | Dean’s List |
Angel | Garcia | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Azul | Garcia Ruiz | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Robert | Garden | Gilbert | AZ | Academic Excellence |
Luigi | Gardino-Bulas | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nina | Garland | Keizer | OR | Dean’s List |
Cole | Garland | Keizer | OR | Honor Roll |
Brooklyn | Garrigus | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Julia | Gaston | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Davey | Gayler | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Adam | Geddis | Dungannon | Northern Ireland | Dean’s List |
Caitlin | Gill | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Christopher | Giraudo | Roseburg | OR | Honor Roll |
Abigail | Gisler | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
William | Givan | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Nick | Glover | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Jacob | Gold | Farmington | UT | Dean’s List |
Dave | Gomez | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jolly | Gonos | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Xitlali | Gonzalez | Las Vegas | NM | Honor Roll |
Jacob | Graff | Corvallis | OR | Dean’s List |
Nicolas | Graham | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Heather | Grant | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Alexandra | Graves | Ogden | UT | Academic Excellence |
Christopher | Gray | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Desiree | Greer | Gold Beach | OR | Honor Roll |
Margarita | Grooms | Astoria | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jessica | Guerrero | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Mark | Gutierrez | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Trynly | Haack | Idaho Falls | ID | Academic Excellence |
Ashlee | Hadden | Powers | OR | Dean’s List |
Kailina | Hamilton | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Seth | Hamlin | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Dylan | Hankey | La Pine | OR | Dean’s List |
Aleczander | Hardy | Cheyenne | WY | Academic Excellence |
Kate | Hardy | Wellsville | UT | Dean’s List |
Lawanda | Haro | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Jordyn | Harris | Wasilla | AK | Academic Excellence |
Michael | Harris | Eufaula | OK | Dean’s List |
Vickie | Hartman | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Baetheah | Harvey | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
David | Haynes | coos bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Nicholas | Heiderscheit | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Elijah | Henning | Scottsdale | AZ | Academic Excellence |
Ariel | Herman | Fairbanks | AK | Dean’s List |
Ruben | Hernandez | Ontario | OR | Dean’s List |
Benjamin | Hernandez-Cobian | Merrill | OR | Dean’s List |
Skotlyn | Hill | Logandale | NV | Academic Excellence |
Ryuto | Hiramatsu | Miyazaki | Japan | Academic Excellence |
Paige | Hoene | Boise | ID | Academic Excellence |
Dylan | Hood-Foster | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Ashley | Horath | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Mike | Horn | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Timothy | Houghteling | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Matt | Howard | Tamarin | Mauritius | Dean’s List |
Heather | Howell | Florence | OR | Academic Excellence |
Michele | Ingle | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Grace | Inskeep | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Summer | Jake | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Abdulla | Jamal | Hamad town | Bahrain | Honor Roll |
Kadence | James | Otis | OR | Honor Roll |
Daniel | Jaramillo | Redmond | OR | Dean’s List |
Samuel | Jennings | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jacqueline | Jennings | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Irie | Johns | Central Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Ezra | Johnson | Port Orford | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nicole | Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kayla | Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Makenna | Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Andria | Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Angus | Johnson | Christchurch | New Zealand | Honor Roll |
Natalie | Jossis | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Lucas | Juelke | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Joshua | Juelke | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Marc | Jurkat | Stuttgart | Germany | Academic Excellence |
Amanda | Kapsner | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jared | Karter | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Summer | Kath | Hollandale | MN | Academic Excellence |
Noah | Kegley | Fairbanks | AK | Academic Excellence |
Christopher | Kern | Idaho Falls | ID | Dean’s List |
Peyton | Kidd | Dorena | OR | Honor Roll |
Colin | Kiichle | Vancouver | WA | Honor Roll |
Victoriana | Kim | Mililani | HI | Dean’s List |
Elizabeth | Kirkey | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Patrisha | Klier | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Mia | Knight | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Moriah | Koch | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Taiki | Kondo | Moriyama | Japan | Dean’s List |
Nicholas | Kupersmith | Beaverton | OR | Honor Roll |
Takumi | Kuritani | Osaka | Japan | Dean’s List |
Taiga | Kusano | Sendai | Japan | Dean’s List |
Melanie | Lambson | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kendle | Langley | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kaylene | Lassagne | Grants Pass | OR | Dean’s List |
Zach | Latimer | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Jmie | Lawrence | ST George’s | Grenada | Honor Roll |
Ryan | Liggett | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Damian | Lilienthal | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Aidan | Lilienthal | Myrtle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Hannah | Lillebo | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Ruth | Lillie | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Benson | Lin | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Chloe | Linnehan | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Nathaniel | Little | MYRTLE POINT | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gage | Looney | Bandon | OR | Dean’s List |
Harley | Loper | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Heather | Loper | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Karsyn | Loper | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Haley | Lott | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Kevin | Lucas | Denekamp | Netherlands | Honor Roll |
Samantha | Lucero | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Bryanna | Luihn | Portland | OR | Dean’s List |
Romeo Maverick | Macalino | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Abigail | Madsen | Everett | WA | Academic Excellence |
Jaselle | Magana | Montclair | CA | Dean’s List |
Branson | Magsayo | Waianae | HI | Academic Excellence |
Julian | Mahoe | Tooele | UT | Dean’s List |
Rylie | Malasky | Syracuse | UT | Academic Excellence |
Mike | Marchetti | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Alexis | Marino | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Brogan | Markel | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Brailee | Martin | Myrtle Creek | OR | Academic Excellence |
Laura | Martinez | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jonel | Martinez | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Skyeler | Martius | Klamath Falls | OR | Honor Roll |
Mya | Massey | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Alapese | Matautia | Anchorage | AK | Dean’s List |
Max | Matthaei | Walddorfhaeslach | Germany | Academic Excellence |
Joshua | Matz | Burlington | ON | Academic Excellence |
Madison | McClannahan | Hermiston | OR | Academic Excellence |
Deja | McComb | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Alissa | McCord | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gwenneth | McCoy | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Harold | McCutcheon | Port Orford | OR | Honor Roll |
Autumn | McEnroe | Charleston | OR | Academic Excellence |
Lillian | McFarland | Beaverton | OR | Honor Roll |
Savannah | McHugill | Sutherlin | OR | Dean’s List |
Nathan | McKenna | Boise | ID | Honor Roll |
Cloee | McLeod | Clatskanie | OR | Dean’s List |
Alhana | McNutt | Lakeside | OR | Academic Excellence |
Maria | Medina | Myrtle Point | OR | Dean’s List |
Danielle | Meinema | Hattem | Netherlands | Honor Roll |
Samantha | Mellow | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Dominic | Mercado | North Las Vegas | NV | Dean’s List |
Daniel | Messing | Astoria | OR | Academic Excellence |
Rebecca | Meza | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Cameron | Miller | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Richard | Miller | BANDON | OR | Dean’s List |
Feather | Miller | Warm Springs | OR | Dean’s List |
Jacob | Mitchell | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kallie | Moldt | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Micaiah | Montalbin | Fortuna | CA | Honor Roll |
Amber | Moodenbaugh | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Cejay | Morgan | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Cannon | Morgan | Eagle | ID | Dean’s List |
Preston | Mosley | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Anna | Muroff | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Mikela | Murray | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Taizo | Nagaki | Edogawa City | Japan | Academic Excellence |
Jovyn-Kamekona | Nault | Pukalani | HI | Dean’s List |
Sarah | Nazar | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Steven | Nease | Maple Ridge | Canada | Honor Roll |
Rylee | Nelson | Wellsville | UT | Academic Excellence |
Jett | Nelson | Boise | ID | Honor Roll |
Jamis | Neumeyer | Portland | OR | Honor Roll |
Daisy | Nguyen | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Melanie | Nielsen | Ogden | UT | Academic Excellence |
Lizbeth | Nietes | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Nikola | Nikolovski | Kumanovo | Northern Macedonia | Dean’s List |
Anna | Noriega | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Rhae | Norton | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Justin | Ohman | Crescent City | CA | Dean’s List |
Joseph | Oliver | Lakeside | OR | Dean’s List |
Rachel | Oman | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Elayna | O’Rourke | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Rachel | Ouellette | Reedsport | OR | Honor Roll |
Tristen | Page | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Mckenzie | Palacios | Ventura | CA | Dean’s List |
Haley | Parker | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Trenton | Parrott | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Aurora | Parsons | Fernley | NV | Honor Roll |
Courtney | Peek | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Riley | Peeler | Veneta | OR | Honor Roll |
Viridiana | Penaloza | Antioch | CA | Academic Excellence |
Eduardo | Penaloza | Madras | OR | Dean’s List |
Cody | Perry | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Sebastian | Peterson | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Amillia | Petrea | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jace | Phillips | Union | OR | Dean’s List |
Molly | Picatti | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Gaige | Pilot | Woodland | WA | Honor Roll |
Ethan | Place | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Gina | Podesta | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Liberty | Porter-Johnson | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Brittnee | Post | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Ethan | Pounder | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Avery | Pounder | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Stormie | Powers | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jack | Prater | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Alan | Prater | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Tanner | Price | Roseburg | OR | Honor Roll |
Logan | Prince | West Jordan | UT | Academic Excellence |
Kira | Pyka | Medford | OR | Honor Roll |
Kiana | Quintero | Jordan Valley | OR | Dean’s List |
Sonja | Rae | West Linn | OR | Academic Excellence |
Santiago | Rafael | Ocoyucan | Mexico | Honor Roll |
Aubry | Ramirez | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Jackson | Rasmussen | Burley | ID | Dean’s List |
Shaya | Raziorrouh | Munich | Germany | Honor Roll |
Ellie | Rego | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Augusto | Reyes-Mendoza | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Thomas | Rivelle | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Celestine | Roche | Villefranche sur Saone | France | Academic Excellence |
Carmen | Rodriguez | Medford | OR | Dean’s List |
Maria | Rodriguez | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Cary | Rogers | Myrtle Point | OR | Honor Roll |
Aubree | Rohde | Reedsport | OR | Dean’s List |
Gillian | Roybal | Albuquerque | NM | Honor Roll |
Amythist | Rudder | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Sierra | Rudy | Reedsport | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mercedes | Rumack | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kasey | Saadat | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Danielle | Sacco | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jullianna | Saint Hilaire | West Valley City | UT | Honor Roll |
David | Salleng | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Lee Anna | Saunders | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Abigail | Schetzsle | Veteran Alberta | CN | Dean’s List |
Sabrina | Schiewe | Wasilla | AK | Academic Excellence |
Luke | Schmidter | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Jeff | Schneck | Bandon | OR | Dean’s List |
Natalie | Schneider | Eugene | OR | Dean’s List |
Joseph | Schulkins | Nampa | ID | Dean’s List |
Isabella | Schulz | Portland | OR | Dean’s List |
Leah | Scott | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
JR | Scott | The Dalles | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kaleb | Scott | Grants Pass | OR | Honor Roll |
Mariia | Semenchuk | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Daryna | Semenchuk | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Koby | Sewall | Roseburg | OR | Academic Excellence |
Tyler | Shields | Prineville | OR | Academic Excellence |
Rossana | Simeoli | Quarto | Italy | Honor Roll |
Elizabeth | Sinatra | Syracuse | UT | Academic Excellence |
Carley | Sjogren | NORTH BEND | OR | Academic Excellence |
Hezekiah | Slater | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Erika | Smith | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Ean | Smith | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Aneyai | Smith | North Las Vegas | NV | Dean’s List |
Hailey | Smith | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Joshuah | Smith | Brookings | OR | Honor Roll |
Celeste | Snively | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Braydon | Snoddy | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Christopher | Sparks | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Mollie | Spillman | Spring Creek | NV | Honor Roll |
Connor | Spindler | Tooele | UT | Honor Roll |
Spencer | Spini | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Rosemarie | Springer | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Rayna | Stephan | PORT ORFORD | OR | Honor Roll |
Tristan | Stinson | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Michael | Stone | Florence | OR | Dean’s List |
Allison | Storts | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Alaina | Sullivan | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Heidi | Swank | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Eric | Szenasi | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Lacey | Tabor | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Hannah | Tanner | Myrtle Point | OR | Academic Excellence |
Marcus | Tanner | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Sadie | Taylor | Salt Lake City | UT | Dean’s List |
Kaelynn | Teagle | Grants Pass | OR | Academic Excellence |
Julien | Temps | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Joshua | Theis | Pendleton | OR | Dean’s List |
Landon | Theisen | Huntsville | AL | Dean’s List |
Jacob | Thomas | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Kelsie | Thurston | Cloverdale | OR | Academic Excellence |
Misty | Toland | Coquille | OR | Dean’s List |
Hailey | Tom | Bandon | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mahiro | Tomita | Fujisawa | Japan | Dean’s List |
Rodrigo | Torrellio | Eugene | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mailien | Tran | South Jordan | UT | Academic Excellence |
Emma | Truex | Medford | OR | Dean’s List |
Guadalupe | Trujillo | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Melisa | Trupiano | Coquille | OR | Honor Roll |
Maddison | Valdez | East Wenatchee | WA | Academic Excellence |
Olivia | Van Orden | Ogden | UT | Honor Roll |
Dominique | Van Vuure | Julianadorp | Curaçao | Honor Roll |
Abigail | Vashaw | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Deztiny | Vaughan | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Bryan | Velazquez | Newport | OR | Honor Roll |
Amy | Vick | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kayla | Vierra | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Jeovany | Villa-Valdez | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Katie | Von Dippe | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Erik | VonDippe | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Ian | Wakeling | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jordan | Wales | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Markus | Walker | North Bend | OR | Dean’s List |
Katherine | Walker | Sandy | OR | Dean’s List |
Tanner | Wallace | Lebanon | OR | Dean’s List |
Emily | Walters | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Jachob | Walters | Arlington | TN | Academic Excellence |
Samantha | Ward | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nathan | Ward | Colorado Springs | CO | Academic Excellence |
Hanalei | Warren | Mountain View | HI | Academic Excellence |
Abigail | Warrick | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Kody | Watanabe | Aiea | HI | Honor Roll |
Boone | Weatherby | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Kiya | Weatherly | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Kimberly | Webster | COOS BAY | OR | Dean’s List |
Donovan | Weideman | Gold Beach | OR | Dean’s List |
Makayla | Welch | Brookings | OR | Dean’s List |
Melliney | Wesner | NORTH BEND | OR | Honor Roll |
Emily | West | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Emily | West | American Fork | UT | Dean’s List |
Dave | Whinery | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Salina | White | Coos Bay | OR | Dean’s List |
Heather | Whitty | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Brayden | Wilber | BROOKINGS | OR | Academic Excellence |
Brendan | Will | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Skylar | Willey | Grants Pass | OR | Honor Roll |
Sarah | Williams | North Bend | OR | Academic Excellence |
Erin | Williams | Meridian | ID | Academic Excellence |
Sterling | Williams | North Bend | OR | Honor Roll |
Natalie | Wilson | Coos Bay | OR | Honor Roll |
Cadence | Wilstead | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Mackenzie | Wisner | Veneta | OR | Dean’s List |
Ashley | Wojcik | Coos Bay | OR | Academic Excellence |
Aria | Woodruff | Coquille | OR | Academic Excellence |
Victoria | Wraith | Brookings | OR | Academic Excellence |
Emma | Yazzie | Page | AZ | Honor Roll |
Tetiana | Yevminova | Kharkiv | Ukraine | Academic Excellence |
Raine | Yoshida | Mililani | HI | Dean’s List |
Cierra | Young | Gold Beach | OR | Academic Excellence |
Nathaniel | Young | Albany | OR | Honor Roll |
Emerson | Zettl | Highlands Ranch | CO | Honor Roll |
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