Drew Jones: Inspiring students

Drew Jones: Inspiring students

Soccer ruled Drew Jones’ life in high school and ultimately led him on a path to teaching. He came to SWOCC to play soccer, have fun – and learn. He did even more, becoming student body president.

“SWOCC helped me figure out the direction I wanted to go and gave me the tools I needed to be successful,” Jones said.

By the time he got his Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree, Drew knew he wanted to be a teacher. Six years later, he had much more than a teaching degree, but also a job he loved. Today, Drew is back in his home town, teaching the radio journalism classroom at Marshfield High School in Coos Bay.

Every day, he’s surrounded by teens who are busy behind microphones. His students write radio ads and do newscasts. They help with sports broadcasts. He enjoys the challenge of teaching, because every day something is new.

“Having moved back to the area two years ago has allowed me to reconnect with the community I grew up in. Both my family and community gave me so much growing up, I feel fortunate to be in a position where I can return the favor,” Jones said.


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